HomeBlogCase StudiesOrganisations investing in Higher Education for their workforce – Sundown Solutions Case Study

Organisations investing in Higher Education for their workforce – Sundown Solutions Case Study

Why do so many organisations fear the investment of regulated higher education for their workforce?

An often cited and popular quote by Richard Branson is that originations should train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.

Do businesses still fear that if they invest in their people, they lose?

Sundown Solutions  is an organisation that shares the idea that the team should be supported in the exploration of regulated higher education! In November 2021, the senior leadership team at Sundown Solutions made the forward-thinking decision to work with Minerva Elite Performance to engage in the MBA pathway in Strategic Leadership and Management for their management structure.


"We wanted to have our senior leadership team speaking the same language! Having our entire team journey through the same qualification has allowed for synergy in thinking, language and terminology use and a deeper understanding of the intricate aspects of managing a well-functioning organisation"
Heath Groves
CEO of Sundown Solutions
"The support we have received from MEP has been outstanding. The MEP staff that have guided our team through their qualification have been patient, understanding and have at times pushed us towards our shared success"

Kelly Groves
COO of Sundown Solutions
"Sundown Solutions have been the perfect external stakeholder for our team. Having professionals that are pioneers in their field yet recognise the corporate responsibility to continue the educational investment of their people is simply the perfect scenario for establishing value to an already high performing culture. Too often organisations invest in education and training to fix a problem... why not invest in your people to implement further greatness. Isn’t that what we should all do for our people?"

Craig Smith
Head of Education and Quality Assurance at MEP
MEP would like to congratulate Sundown Solutions and thank them for their trust, faith and commitment!

MEP provides the UK’s finest learning and development experience.

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