HomeBlogUncategorizedEmpowering Young Minds: Minerva’s First Aid Training at Belmont Wanderers FC

Empowering Young Minds: Minerva’s First Aid Training at Belmont Wanderers FC

At Minerva Elite Performance, our commitment to the community goes beyond our usual educational endeavours. We believe in making a tangible impact, especially in the lives of young people. This belief recently took us to Belmont Wanderers FC, where we had the fantastic opportunity to engage with the U16 girls’ team in a vital and potentially life-saving first aid training session.

The workshop, led by our own Craig, was designed not just to educate but also to empower these young footballers with essential first aid skills. The session was an exciting blend of active learning and practical demonstration, covering crucial techniques like CPR and the DR ABCD action plan – a sequence of immediate actions to perform in a medical emergency. Craig had a great ability to connect with the girls, keeping them engaged and involved throughout the training, was commendable. We believe that learning is most effective when it’s interactive and hands-on, and Craig exemplified this belief by turning what could have been a standard training session into an interactive and fun learning experience.

Chris, the chairman and coach at Belmont Wanderers FC, was particularly impressed with the outcome of the session. He remarked, “Craig was brilliant with the girls, had them engaging with the session, doing a lot of active learning and delivered a whistle-stop tour of first aid in an hour. It was so good that I have had several parents contact me to do the full course.”

The impact of this training went beyond the pitch; it sparked a conversation among parents and members of the club about the importance of first aid training. There’s something empowering about acquiring skills that can make a real difference in emergency situations – the belief that doing something is better than nothing at all. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to support and give back to the community. At Minerva Elite Performance, we understand that our responsibility extends beyond the walls of our institution. Engaging with local communities, supporting young talent, and imparting valuable life skills are integral parts of our corporate social responsibility.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Belmont Wanderers FC for welcoming us and to the fantastic U16 girls’ team for their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. We look forward to continuing our support for the club and the community at large.

If you’re interested in learning more about our community initiatives or our courses, feel free to reach out. Together, we can make a difference, one training session at a time.

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