Minerva Elite Performance is an Approved Learning Provider for the MOD ELCAS scheme (Provider ID: 8729).
We have experience in providing both currently serving and planned service leaver personnel in the MOD with training to effectively enhance their career prospects.
The MOD’s Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme (ELC) promotes learning amongst members of the Armed Forces. The scheme provides financial support in the form of a single up-front payment in each of a maximum of three separate financial years.
As an ELC user you will need to register with ELCAS to receive your Claim Authorisation Note (CAN) certificate.
The following details are required for your Claim:
Company: Minerva Elite Performance Ltd
Centre No: 8729
Course: BTEC EDEXCEL Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
Course Code: 501/0998/4
Cost: £2940.00