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Personal and Professional Development Fair

“To Motivate someone is to light a fire beneath them;
to inspire someone is to light a fire within them.”

Tuesday 5th December 2023
10:30am – 15:00pm
At 18 AEC, Merville Barracks, Colchester

Our Minerva Elite Performance (MEP) team will be heading to Colchester Careers Fair where we hope to advise, support and guide both serving, and soon to transition from military to civilian life.

MEP offers many meaningful provisions that will make measurable difference to continued professional development. We specialise in creating programmes and delivery models that reach the Armed Forces communities such as our Level 4 in Covert Surveillance, Level 7 MBA pathway in Strategic Management and Leadership and the level 3 Award in Education and Training, plus many more!

MEP are proud to attend this event and look forward to supporting as many individuals as possible. We also look forward to networking with other businesses and organisations that share our ethos and duty of responsibility to our Armed Forces community. Remember, ‘Complacency in your professional development is the death of its progress’ So, come and visit us and gain practical, honest, learner centric advice and guidance.’

MEP provides the UK’s finest learning and development experience.


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